Green deal


Review of the Green Deal

In the wake of the European Parliament elections, there are calls for a more realistic Green Deal with a focus on making the EU economy more competitive. In view of the election result and the new composition of the European Commission, we will discuss whether a review is forthcoming and what it could mean for European businesses. 

Green Deal in neighbouring countries

How do our neighbours in Germany, Poland, Austria and Slovakia perceive the possible Green Deal review? Have different approaches been adopted due to political changes? What is happening to transmission systems or energy sources?  

The future role of coal

A review of the Green Deal encompasses the debate on energy transformation. EU countries including the Czech Republic have planned for phasing out coal. This goal will be probably implemented faster in response to emission allowance prices and the expansion of sustainable sources, but coal will be still needed as a backup source because the number of gas-fired power plants is not sufficient for them to serve as a balancing mechanism. In view of this, will coal be abandoned quickly, or not? 

Green Deal at home

What do the 2nd and 3rd law on renewable energy sources bring to regular consumers in terms of sharing energy generated at home (community energy)? Can cars be charged via solar panels at the chalet? 

Catching up with China in electromobility

European ports teem with cheap Chinese electric cars, and European car producers are badly outcompeted. Will Europe face a flood of cars from China, or can we fend it off by raising import duties, for example? Can Chinese electric vehicles be restricted due to security concerns (just as Chinese companies cannot supply equipment for 5G communication networks)? 

The meaning of green money

What is the role of ESG compliance in investing in the current debate? Has the opinion of investors and the bank sector on green (i.e. sustainable) finance evolved? What is the initial experience of corporations with ESG reporting like? What will come in the next years?  

Smart grids

How to manage the transmission grid and resources that sometimes produce extreme quantities of electricity and other times not enough? How can batteries and other forms of storage help? How does electricity trading work under such conditions? How to sell electricity and buy electricity from neighbours? What smart management solutions has the market come up with? What still needs to be done in the transmission system?

Degrowth. Or just a modest grow?

Where has the debate on degrowth shifted in the context of the Green Deal review? How do students and NGO representatives perceive the future? 

CZK 9,900 exclusive of VAT

    • full day ticket

    • live recording of Bruselský diktát podcast

    • all-day catering

    • VIP networking

CZK 4900 exclusive of VAT

• full day ticket
• live recording of Bruselský diktát podcast
• all-day catering
• VIP networking

*These tickets are exclusively available to the representatives of the non-profit sector and public administration, students and people on parental leave.  


8.00 – 9.00 

9.00 - 9.05
Opening remarks by Jaroslav Mašek, Editor-in-Chief of Hospodářské noviny, and Lenka Černá, CEO of Economia media house

Keynote speech

9.20 - 9.30
McKinsey study: Navigating Physical Realities
● Viktor Hanzlík, McKinsey

Panel discussion Review of the Green Deal

What is the current status of the Green Deal and to which extent has it been implemented? Will the criteria and rules be modified? Will there be exceptions to the taxonomy, or have the preparations advanced so much that companies no longer wish any changes to the rules? Do politicians have to yield to pressure from business or populists?
● Jan Dusík, European Commission
● Axel Eggert, Eurofer
● Jan Juchelka, Komerční banka
● Petr Hladík, Minister for the Environment
● Viktor Hanzlík, McKinsey

The Polish Green Deal as a model?
● Krzysztof Bolesta, Deputy Climate Minister, Poland

Green Deal in neighbouring countries
In which aspects do our neighbours implement the Green Deal differently? What are the biggest obstacles from their perspectives? In which areas are they more advanced than the Czech economy and the Czech companies? What are they doing differently?
Krzysztof Bolesta, Deputy Climate Minister, Poland
● Ivan Štefunko, politician and investor
● Stefan Gross-Selbec, Woltair

 The meaning of green money

Do banks observe whether companies reflect ESG and taxonomy criteria when talking about projects, or do banks still have to encourage them to do so? Do capital markets treat ESG assets with the same anxiety as in the U.S.? Is there expectation that the criteria will be softened? Or do companies/banks wish for stability and prefer not to go back to previous rules? To which degree have banks and the EU in general unified ESG criteria?
● Jitka Haubová, Komerční banka
● Sandra Feltham, Flagship Impact
● Martin Špolc, European Comission (TBC)
● Ota Melcher, Minister of Finance (TBC)

Zero-emission alliance: where is the potential of the Czech economy in green technologies:
example of a data study
● Martin Vohánka, entrepreneur


Czechs and Green Deal – STEM presentation
● Martin Buchtík, CEO STEM

Good examples from Czechia

1) How green halls work: Milan Kratina, Accolade

2) Rock for People - the most sustainable festival: Michal Thomes

3) Noho - sustainable housing (TBC)

How to be competitive in electromobility
Europe seems to be flooded with Chinese electric vehicles and batteries from China, both through direct imports and battery factory projects in the pipeline. What can EU companies do and what are they doing to catch up with China? Where are the strengths of the European battery and electric vehicle industry? On which fields should investments, energy, research and development be focused?
● Marian Boček, InoBat
● David Vodička, Bochemie
● Radek Janků, Battswap


Smart grids and energy decentralisation
In the Czech Republic, we are learning to build community energy and work with decentralised resources. The situation is similar in Poland. How is energy being decentralised in practice? What opportunities do smart grids offer at the local or urban level? What are the first experiences? What can be built at urban or regional level? 
  ● Anita Cieslicka, Cities Programme Forum Energii
● Vojtěch Kačena, Second Foundation
● Andrea Kubernátová, Enerkom

The future role of coal
Poland plans to build nuclear power plants on a massive scale, and Slovakia and the Czech Republic also bet on this resource. When will coal as an energy source be abandoned, regardless of government plans? What is the reality of the market and the grid? How should coal regions prepare for the end of mining? What does this mean for businesses and local residents?
● Piotr Maciazek, Polish energy influencer
● Laura Otýpková, Frank Bold
● Pavel Tomek, Sokolovská uhelná
● Lukáš Vlček, politician and businessman

Money for a green change

What well-designed compensations for the increased costs of the green transformation look like
● Jan Koželouh, movement Duha
● Petr Holub, Ministry of the Environment

Final word

Bruselský diktát:  special edition
Ondřej Houska and Michal Půr will record their podcast live

Drinks & networking

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            *the organiser reserves the right to change the programme
                                                                                          *the conference will be interpreted 


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